PICTURE SPEAKS: If the portriated is speaking about THE CHURCH AGE & IT’S CONNECTION WITH THE MINISTRY OF THE 2 WITNESSES then let the end times church pay a very close attention, so you’re NOT deceived by the many misconceptions that are being carried about today, regarding these two doctrines! I say unto you; beware; open your eyes, so you can see…

“And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I said, “I am looking, and there [is] a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the [stand] seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. Two olive trees [are] by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left.” So I answered and spoke to the angel who talked with me, saying, “What [are] these, my lord?” – Zech4:2-4

If the bowl containing the 7 Golden Lamps is equal to the 7 churches (lamps) which is akin to the church age(including today’s 5 Fold Ministries),

and the 2 Olive Trees is akin to the ministry of the foretold 2 Witnesses(Zech4:13-14),

then undoubtedly, in relation to the PICTURE SPEAKING… THE 2 WITNESSES ARE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO THE 7 CHURCHES (5 FOLD MINISTRIES), IN THESE END TIMES, IN THIS VERY CHURCH AGE, and not EXCLUSIVELY unto Israel only in another AGE (which they erroneously call ISRAEL AGE or whatever era)! Rev1:20

You gerrit? You got to Check the facts!

The 2 Witnesses shall be revealed unto the 5 Fold Ministries (7 churches) in this very age… If you shall remember the announcer unto the 10 virgins as related in Matt25!

And there’s coming NO other age after the church age…for after this church age is the Millennial Age.. Contingent on Jesus’ return after His second coming! (Zech14:9)

For the Great Tribulation(the AntiChrist reign) is a part or shall be a part of this very church age… Which the 2 Witnesses are yet connected to… For the GTrib is not slated for a separate age as you’ve been erroneously told…

And this is the very church age that shall see the conversion of all elect Israel(Rom11:15, 24), even unto the bowl of the 7 churches… Which the 2 Witnesses are yet connected to as related in (Mal4:4-6)

And the 2 Witnesses shall be ministering to the entire end times congregation of both elect Jews and elect Gentiles…. as ONE FOLD… (Rev10) (Rev11)

And this is the very church age that shall see the death of the 2 Witnesses, and their afterwards levitation FIRST, before our ONE OFF RAPTURE for all, all elects at once(no first flight or second flight gimmicks). And this rapture is fixed to happen after the 2 Witnesses have been levitated first…thus MAKING A PRIOR PRETRIB RAPTURE FOR SOME CHRISTIANS FALSE, AND A BIG LIE! You gerrit? (2Thes2:3-4)

Let ZECHARIAH be your judge, thus if you fail to recognize his portriated vision today!  But eagerly long to see the foretold 2 Witnesses actually CONNECTED TO THE END TIMES CHURCH, even this church age, supplying the REQUIRED OIL for an inevitable Great Tribulational exodus… rather than hoping in a false pretrib rapture today, I pray! (Jn1:34-25)

“And at midnight a cry was [heard:] ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us [some] of your OIL, for our LAMPS are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘[No,] lest there should not be enough for us and you; BUT GO RATHER TO THOSE WHO SELL, and buy for yourselves” – Mt25:6-9


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